Monday, April 25, 2011

Homeschool Hikes 2010-2011

Hurray for Spring! Come join us for our latest round of hikes.Where can you get out for two hours with your whole family, learn a new skill, create a craft and enjoy nature  all for only $5? At the Homeschool Hikes located in various free parks throughout Kankakee & Will County in Northern IL, of course! Hikes are multi-leveled to encourage children to become “Mini Professers” and share what they have learned. Even mom and dad will learn something new! Kids are encouraged to bring Scout handbooks & 4H Project Mauals as hikes can be geared towards those intrests.  We hike reguardless of weather, except for the few times when the weather prohibits outdoor activity (ie. below -10 & tornados). Anything else is just a walk in the park! Come out and join us, won’t you?  ******************************************************************************
25-AugHarmful & Helpful InsectsRock Creek-State Park
8-SepLeaf CollectingThe Woods
22-SepMollusksRte 113 West**(location change)
13-OctGPSLimestone Park
27-OctScavenger HuntEvans-Judge Preserve
10-NovWilderness SurvivalThe Woods
24-NovBirds of Field & ForestCANCELLED
8-DecMammals of ILThe Woods
22-DecWinter TrackingThe Woods
12-JanWinter TwigsState Park-Archery Range
26-JanWeather on the PlainsPerry Farm
9-FebOrienteeringLimestone Park
23-FebOutdoor CookingDavis Creek
9-MarCartographyForsythe Woods
23-MarSpring EdiblesLimestone Park
13-AprThe Frog ThingRiverfront Park
27-AprSpring FlowersAroma Preserve
11-MayAliens!Kankakee State Park West of Chippewa Campground
25-MayNative GrassesShannon Bayou
8-JunMap & CompassLimestone Park
22-JunNative Plants-PrarieBraidwood Dunes
13-JulMaking a Field GuideState Park-Archery Range
27-JulHidden HistoryRiverfront Trail
**Rte 133 West: 6 miles past Rte 17, Kankakee on right side of road is a parking area. All hikes start at 11 am and are 2 hours, unless specified. Hikes are $10 per family-drop-in or $5 with pre-registration (call me or send me an email at . Invite your family & friends, everyone is welcome!  Remember to bring sun screen, hats, and  dress appropriately. I also recommend you bring drinking water. Being engrossed in a new pursuit can take our minds off of the necessity of drinking water throughout the day. It makes the walk a bit more of an adventure and is also eco friendly. No need to add to the litter with throw away plastic water bottles. Hikes are a great opportunity to talk with the your children about conservation and respect for nature. They reinforce the values of being respectful toward creation and of leaving things the same way you found them. Plus, fresh air and sunshine keep you happy and healthy. Some tools and stuff to bring along:
  • Binoculars
  • Microscope
  • Small telescope
  • Drawing tools like colored pencils, crayons, markers and sketch pads
  • Digital camera or other camera
  • Tape Recorder for recording sounds
  • Magnifying Glass
  • Small vials or plastic jars for collecting samples
  • Diggging tools like small shovel or spoon
  • Walking Sticks
  • Metal Detector
  • a trash bag, if the weather turns to rain or to pick up trash
  • Scout books
  • 4 H project books
  • Back pack for carrying all your stuff
  • Questions, comments & thoughts!
See you outside!